Dog Training
One of our guides, Steve Lecroy, offers upland hunting dog training for those who are interested in getting their bird dog on the right track. Steve has owned and trained bird dogs his entire life, beginning working with his father. He’s been training bird dogs for others for over 12 years now. Steve is excellent at recognizing different characteristics of dog quickly, and knows immediately what training each dog needs to focus on.
Some of the key things that Steve typically trains include the following:
- “Whoa” breaking;
- Responding to “Here;”
- Collar Conditioning;
- Whistle commands; and
- Retrieving.
Steve recommends that your dog be at least 10 months old to begin field training. During those first 10 months, you should begin some obedience training with your puppy, Steve suggests that you not train your dog to “Sit.” Some dogs struggle with learning the “Whoa” command because they just want to sit when you teach that
command. Most dogs can learn both, just be aware that they can conflict a bit depending on the training. Dogs can be boarded indoors or outdoors during their training with Steve. You’ll bring your dog and enough food for the training period. When you call Steve, he’ll fill you in on all the details and answer any questions.
If you interested in dog training, we suggest that you give Steve a call at this number (205) 296-1749.
If he doesn’t answer, please leave him a message so that he knows you’re not calling about his car warranty!
Steve Lecroy
Upland Bird Hunting Dog Training
(205) 296-1749